Right now Flammable Solid is just us, an artist and a writer in a pretty small home office a few nights a week. We work regular jobs and create in our spare time, but we want this to be so much more. We know you’ll love what we have in store for you, but we need your help. Please check out our Patreon page if you would like to help our small studio grow.
Our first title, The God Child, is currently debuting on Keenspot.com. We are stoked that you can read it there for free right now. Our comics will always be free for you to read online, but with your support we can do much more. We would like to: update more frequently, print a trade paperback, make some merch, explore back stories, visit you at your local comic convention, make exclusive prints, interact with fans online, create new titles, assemble other artists/writers/colorists, and much much more.
For inquiries about licensing or representing our intellectual properties, please contact solidcomics@gmail.com
D.J. Coffman – (solid)
I started my journey drawing and writing comics in the 90’s, back before the internets and googles. I’ve pretty much done it all, from hand stapling my own mini comics, self publishing, freelancing for indy comic companies & writers, and I was one of the first crazy kids to put my comics up online for free in the late 90’s when everybody thought that was insanity; now webcomics are the most read comics in the world. I’m probably best known in comics for my series “Hero By Night”. After a brief hiatus I’m glad to be back creating and drawing “The God Child” which you can read at this link.
Ally Monroe – (flammable)
Writing is the only thing that always makes sense to me. After graduating from high school and blowing a full ride scholarship for writing to an uppity boutique type college, I put my pen away. For nearly 15 years while selling sunglasses, making pizzas, typing memos and saving lives, I have been observing people and writing their back stories in my head. I have no credits, degree or background in anything pertinent, but everyone has to start somewhere. Now is as good a time as ever.