by Ally Monroe | Jan 11, 2015 | Uncategorized, Writer's Blog
Lately my comic, housework and cooking have been suffering. I have started down the rabbit hole of designing T-shirts printed and fulfilled by Spreadshirt. When your boyfriend the cartoonist repeatedly mentions how much profit there is in this market you can only listen idly for so long before you ask him how long it would take him to draw you a cute orange cartoon cat saying “I Heart Mew”. Once my kiddos have hit the sack for the evening we shift to the office to come up with some new designs and for me to learn about SEO or basic coding or another once completely foreign topic. As the hours wear on I go from fantasizing about paying off all my student loans courtesy of Adorakitty (the orange tabby) to lamenting the hours I am wasting for thus far zero sales. It is never ending and consuming. The other issue I am running into is a mixed feeling for which I have no name. Somewhere between shame and guilt I think, maybe? As a self conscious person in an over-marketed to society I anxiously await a backlash of some sort. For some reason there seems to be a difference in the perception of promoting a commercial shirt shop and selling handmade wares on Etsy. Were I doing the latter, I would have blogged about this a week ago and flooded the news to everything from Pinterest to Facebook. But, with this I pondered long and hard before attaching our names to it in any way. As always I think I was over thinking. We spend long hours getting these designs...
by Ally Monroe | Mar 12, 2014 | Uncategorized, Writer's Blog
I have always been a writer. I think that being one is just a basic part of who I am. Even after I put away the pen the words still bounced around inside of me. I’ll never know why I stopped pursuing writing as a career… Probably some garbage about it not being a practical a means of making a living. Honestly though I’m certain it was the fear of rejection. 2013 was the year that I realized my marriage had unraveled. People that like to talk usually say that what you need tends to find you when you need it the most. For me I guess that thing was comics. It still seems ridiculous but somehow last December I agreed to co-write a comeback title for DJ Coffman. I did some blogging with YIRMUMAH a short time back and he has been trying to coax the writer out of hiding ever since. I’m still in disbelief that I’m writing and suffer from creative amnesia, crediting DJ with most of what ends up on the page. What we are doing is something… I can feel it. It makes me want to immerse myself in this and little else. I’m learning about comic press outlets, publishers, writers, artists, icons and anything else I can grasp. With issue 1 in the can the disbelief is fading. This is my new beginning. I write...
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